Friday, June 7, 2013

Man UP

Yeah, duh, I didn't get the way I am by doing the things that I should.  Each and every day there is at least one thing that makes me think, Huh, yeah, you are NOT doing _____ to get those results - if you want to get there, you have to work it out and figure out what works and do it.You have to be frank about how hard it is, no one said it was easy. But to get where you want to go, you have to climb the mountains that are in the way.  

It's like your behavior in any other part of your life, if you don't own it, then how can you change it? Like the picture I saw on Pinterest today:

That can be true of so many things.  Gosh, the 18-19 year old me who had a chance to make a change and didn't.  The me of my 30s who didn't deal with it (while facing depression and addiction).  Heck, the me of the recent past who didn't do what she needed to in order to lose weight and feel healthier.  Of course it is easier to just pull the cover up over your head and blame whatever for your problems, believe me, I've been there and done it.  And you know what? Nothing changes.  

Nothing changes.  

Nothing changes until you make the decision to change and actually WORK at making the changes.  Ok, so at the weight where I am currently I won't be running, but I can walk.  Ok, so I can't walk miles and miles right now, but I can walk to the end of the driveway and back several times a day.  I can watch what I eat and use my tools to keep the calories in check.  There are foods I know I can't eat and I just have to find a way around those.  I have a husband who had dietary restrictions because of medication --- I can eat some of the things he can't and I just need to learn to do for me while taking care of his needs.  He doesn't expect me to make myself a doormat for him, so why do I do it? In at least this way, I can stop being a "pleaser" and do what I need to do for myself.  I can use the groups I belong to online and on Facebook as motivation.  If they cease to be motivational, I will find others that can be.  

I liked this one cause it had walking feet on it!! Move it, move it, move it!!

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