Monday, July 29, 2013

Accountability 07/29/2013

Woot! Happy Monday!! Much better day today food wise than all weekend.  Kept portions in check and wasn't grazing all day even though I have been hungry!! Exercise was 7 songs from Just Dance 2.  I like it so much I think I'm going to have to go and get the 1st and 3rd ones.  

Been thinking a lot about goals today and what means you are finished.  I think right now it doesn't matter to me what I weigh (once it's under 200!) but maybe it will matter more when I get there.  I just wanna be lighter and healthier and be able to buy clothes in the regular side of the store or in a regular store that doesn't cater to "plus sizes".  I don't believe that you are ever "finished" because being healthy is a work in progress.  I also want to be able to participate in things like other people can - walks/runs, classes, that kind of thing!! I see so many that would be fun to do and I just know I couldn't do them right now, but soon!! If the scale would move and some of this weight would GET OFF my knees....we'd be in business, I think.  I would feel more secure on my feet I think and that would be good, especially with our winter weather.  

Finally, hug your kids and be happy they are healthy even if they are driving you nuts.  Found out today that a friend's 6-year-old has been diagnosed with cancer.  I cannot imagine what they are going through right now and will support them all I can, but it just makes me very sad. Makes you grateful for the things you do have and the ability to exercise to be healthy!!

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