Monday, June 10, 2013


Bah! Just not feeling good today. Sinuses are acting up and my head feels very heavy, woke up with a sore throat that went away midday and is back again now as I write this.  Tomorrow is supposed to be very warm and I have a job interview so hopefully I will feel better.  Fingers crossed that I will finally have something to do and be able to establish a routine again. 

Just feeling really tired, bored, sad, fat, tired (oh, I already said that).  My motivation to do much of anything today was seriously lacking.  I did apply for several more jobs today, but all I really did was that, some laundry, meals, took out some trash and read a lot.  I'm doing great reading, too bad I can't find someone who would pay me to do that! Ha ha! Thinking I will go to bed soon and start over again tomorrow.  I think my biggest problem is that I have no plan for what we are doing for meals this week since I was so tired after church on Saturday and I ended up doing my shopping then and of course I didn't want to run around the whole store and didn't have a great plan anyway. I will sit down tomorrow afternoon when I get back and make a plan for the things I need to get at Sam's Club Wednesday and see if there is anything else I need to get from the regular store.  I do much better when we have a plan and I can just go get whatever I need out of the fridge or freezer when we are hungry, rather than spending the whole day thinking about what we are going to eat next because I'm not sure what to have. Some kind of obsession over starving, which of course is not going to happen, but it's weird.    

Good night!

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