Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Exercise Accountability 07/31/13 and News!

Whew! Didn't really mean to do that many calories (again) but did the Biggest Loser X-Train video today and did all three parts.  Note to self - do not do all three parts together. Whew!! The first two parts were decent but still a good calorie burn and the last part was the same four exercises repeated, which doesn't sound like much, but when you are doing squats for an entire minute, plus burpees, etc, yeah, by the last set, my butt was burning! 

Big news, I have a temp to hire job that starts on Monday.  It sounds a lot about what I was doing before and I'm excited to be working again.  I hope that this all goes well and I can get hired on as a regular employee when the time comes.  Going out this weekend to buy business professional clothes- whatever that means.  I will get some nice things and see what everyone else is wearing and then can add on as needed.  

Exercise Accountability 07/30/13

Ok, late getting this posted, but I did exercise yesterday.  Did the Biggest Loser game on the Wii. Played a couple of challenge games and then did a kick boxing workout with Bob.  I was a bit frustrated with the right-left-right thing with the punches, but I'm sure that will get better as I do it more often.  I didn't really set out to do this big of a calorie burn, but yay!!

Yesterday was the first day I felt like I was back on track with the eating and exercising! Weird how maybe I just needed the two or three day break there to realize that I needed to get my head back on straight. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Accountability 07/29/2013

Woot! Happy Monday!! Much better day today food wise than all weekend.  Kept portions in check and wasn't grazing all day even though I have been hungry!! Exercise was 7 songs from Just Dance 2.  I like it so much I think I'm going to have to go and get the 1st and 3rd ones.  

Been thinking a lot about goals today and what means you are finished.  I think right now it doesn't matter to me what I weigh (once it's under 200!) but maybe it will matter more when I get there.  I just wanna be lighter and healthier and be able to buy clothes in the regular side of the store or in a regular store that doesn't cater to "plus sizes".  I don't believe that you are ever "finished" because being healthy is a work in progress.  I also want to be able to participate in things like other people can - walks/runs, classes, that kind of thing!! I see so many that would be fun to do and I just know I couldn't do them right now, but soon!! If the scale would move and some of this weight would GET OFF my knees....we'd be in business, I think.  I would feel more secure on my feet I think and that would be good, especially with our winter weather.  

Finally, hug your kids and be happy they are healthy even if they are driving you nuts.  Found out today that a friend's 6-year-old has been diagnosed with cancer.  I cannot imagine what they are going through right now and will support them all I can, but it just makes me very sad. Makes you grateful for the things you do have and the ability to exercise to be healthy!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Exercise Accountability 07/28/2013

Here is a picture of me after I did the Biggest Loser At-Home Challenge video.  I worked hard doing this one, as you can see.  I decided I was feeling strong enough today I was going to do the whole program! Whew! That workout kicked my booty! I do need to get some hand weights so that I can add those to the programs that I have been doing.  I am thinking I'll start with 5# weights and will work up to heavier ones after that! This one has 10 minute cardio segments and then 10 minute strength training segments.  I'm not particularly fond of Anna K. in these videos, but next time I can do with just the music and I don't have to listen to her :) The 2nd set of cardio and strength training are with Bob Harper and they are intense.  Plus we have the windows open and it's about 75° so it's not super cool in here!!

I am having trouble right now keeping my food in check though.  I feel like I'm hungry about 1/2 hour after we eat and I don't have a ton of junky food in the house (or good food for that matter) and so I am starving by the time I get to a meal time.  The water has helped a lot but I still ate a huge lunch and was looking for more.  I wish I could be one of those people who can just eat whatever they want and not worry about it, but I'm not, stupid genes!! LOL! Well, at least I can eat supper now after I worked out.  Crazy!!

Me singing and helping each other

Excuse my squeaky singing (and apologies to Matt Maher) :) But I like the message.....we're all in this together so life will most likely be better if we learn how to help each other get along.....and while the song uses the word "love" I think of that in the more general each of your interactions, think about how you can make that person's day better.....maybe it's just a smile or an extra thank you.  How much does that really cost you but you could really make someone feel better??!!  You don't have to go out and find someone and pay all of their bills for them (unless you want to come and find but just encourage people. With this weight loss thing, I can tell you that the support of my family and friends has been invaluable! It's giving me the strength to get up and go again today instead of wallowing in the failure of yesterday (s).   

"Hold Us Together"
It don't have a job, don't pay your bills
Won't buy you a home in Beverly Hills
Won't fix your life in five easy steps
Ain't the law of the land or the government?
But it's all you need

And love will hold us together
Make us a shelter to weather the storm
And I'll be my brother's keeper
So the whole world would know that we're not alone

It's waiting for you knocking at your door
In the moment of truth when your heart hits the floor
And you're on your knees

And love will hold us together
Make us a shelter to weather the storm
And I'll be my brother's keeper
So the whole world would know that we're not alone

This is the first day of the rest of your life
This is the first day of the rest of your life
'Cause even in the dark you can still see the light
It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be alright

This is the first day of the rest of your life
This is the first day of the rest of your life
'Cause even in the dark you can still see the light
It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be alright

Love will hold us together
Make us a shelter to weather the storm
And I'll be my brother's keeper
So the whole world would know that we're not alone

Rough Days and Getting Back on Track

Thought it was time for an update....I swear I am going to get better at this :)

Weigh in on Friday was 350.  That makes 18.6 pounds down.  Going for 20 now.  I have been doing really good with exercise, but since Thursday and going to friends for snacks, I have been a munching machine.  I told Tim today that it was good that I did 1,000 calorie workout yesterday because I ate most of those calories plus the 1,790 I am allotted for the day!!!

Getting back on track today and being more aware of what is going into my face!!

Going to start posting my pics of my workouts like I have been on the Facebook group - here is yesterdays.

 Maybe that will remind me to blog!!

What to do today??